Monday, October 29, 2007

Butoh America

Japan Society has hosted another week of Butoh performance. This year commemorated the 101 birthday of Kazuo Ohno, the founder of Butoh, who is still teaching actively. Our first pick was the last performance by Kazuo's son, but it was sold out. So we went to a show directed by one of Kazuo's students. To my surprise, 6 female dancers in American Aparrelish costume. My body was stiff for the first 5 minutes. But then I began to feel the softness within the powerful movements. I really enjoyed seeing female playing—Butoh is normally known for male performers. 6 girls act completely different moves. How could the director come up with all these moves and how can they remember that? Finally, the director/choreographer Akira Kasai, who himself is a mid-aged man. The concept for this show was to produce a new Butoh that cannot be produced in Japan or Europe, but only in America. Next, I aim to see Kaisanjuku.

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