Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Little Miko Needs to Paddle

Born and raised in Tokyo, I grew up without chances to enjoy the nature regularly. When I first came to America, in Boston, the city park took my breath away and I felt like I was in a movie scene. After years of stay in the States, I get to visit many places including Minnesota I went to the other day.

Minnesota, a state with ten thousand lakes, is where my boyfriend's parents live. His father owns a canoe and kayak and has canoed almost all rivers throughout the country. Not to miss the gorgeous summer day, we went to a lake to paddle. I started in a canoe with his dad. We anchored the canoe and set up the chairs. Giving the son and father a private time to catch up, I got on the kayak by myself. Kayak was actually easier and smoother. Dip and paddle, dip and paddle. Having cooled down our body heat, we got back on the ride. This time, I took the kayak and followed the guys in a canoe. After 30 minutes of paddling, my back started to hurt a bit. Little sore on my stomach. It must be a good exersize if you do it once a while.

On the way back, I enjoyed seeing beautiful houses by the lake. Just for a few hours, I forgot about the busy, dirty Brooklyn where I live.

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