Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of Year Noodle

Traditionally, people in Japan eat noodles (buckwheat noodle called Soba) on the New Year's Eve. It's a wish for longer, healthy life. You can have soba noodle in hot broth soup or cold with dipping sauce. Soba is super healthy with fiber, rutin, protein and polyphenol. I ordered fresh soba noodle from a restaurant in East Village (Sobaya). Fresh noodle, just like pasta, cooks in a minute. This year, we had it with tempura and some Japanese shimeji mushroom. If you could get yuzu citrus, its zest would add incredible flavor to the soup.

1 comment:

Helly1211 said...

Hi sweetie,

I love Soba! One of my favorite local spots has a soba curry soup that is wonderful. But I did not know it was good for you. Nice!
