Little Miko was already running a bit late for work that morning. She waited for the notoriously unreliable L train for 15 minutes. A hint of dull pain stroked her stomach. The pain that comes with some shiver before an emergency situation—W.C. Little Miko needed to make an instant desicion whether to remain on her commute and hold it or to get outside and find a place to take care of business, which could cause further delay of her commute. She decided to leave the platform. After quickly coming back from a nearby cafe, refreshed, she returned to the subway station to find that her Metrocard didn't let her through the gate: "Just used." She returned before the 18-min interval was up. She spoke with the lady in the booth. The MTA BITCH (MTAB hereafter) told her the card couldn't be used for 18 minutes after used and she needed to inform the MTA personnel if she needed to come right back. Little Miko explained she was aware of the 18 min but, usually, they let her go through. MTAB went, "If you know the rule, you have to follow the rule." Regardless of Little Miko's plea, MTAB didn't let her pass but made her wait for another 8 minutes standing like a little kid.
How many people know this rule which isn't written anywhere but on the MTA's ugly website in the tiniest font in the hardest place to find. Who has time and space in their mind to go talk to the MTA person when he/she is in an emergency. MTAB should learn that there's something more important than simply following the rule; being reasonable. Little Miko couldn't help thinking that MTAB was overly unreasonable and ungenerous because she is a little Asian girl.
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