This is a gigantic square in which the last emperor spend his most of life in. To him, this was the whole world. If you haven't seen the movie, Last Emperor, I strongly recommend it. My vivid memory from some scenes of the movie gave me further excitement and appreciation.
Besides the recommendation of the movie, a guide will help learn the history and trivias you would never know. I had a student with me who visited the City many times with a personal guide. He was full of knowledge and it totally helped me enjoy the tour.
One of the buildings is a treasure library full of lurxious ornaments and objects made with jade, crystal, diamond, coral, pearl, gold... What's surprise more than those visually stunning pieces is the way they're exhibited. Guards are sitting by the entrance but they don't really seem to care what people do. I guess nobody would try do anything crazy.
If you visit in the winter, it's harshly cold. I had a quick 2-hour tour but this place can entertain you for at least 4 hours.
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