For my work, an advertising award, I had to stay at Four Seasons in Palm Beach, Fl. This is a kind of city Donald Trump built his member’s club with his famous big flag for which he pays $1,000 per day. Other celebrities such as Rod Steward, Madonna, Versace and many more also own castle-size houses. To my co-workers and me, they were ugly, fake European-house replica.
It’s a work trip. It cannot be that great, especially at the hotel with racist, yappy, rich, tasteless guests. As I write this blog, I see a group of obnoxious men dressed in free golf tournament t-shirts, short pants with ankle-socks in shiny black leather shoes, behaving like brain-damaged monkeys. Yep, one guy is staring at me. Fine. Never seen an Asian girl? I can stare at you back, sir. On the other hand, the staff is really nice. The other day, we were in the jacuzze with other families and kids. The moment my Afrian-American co-worker joined in, the father of 3 daughters took them out of the bath. Ironically, the girls wanted to stay with us. It could have been my over-thinking but my friend also though it was quite obvious. Unlike bitter New Yorkers, event the immigrant workers here seem to be really happy with their lives and offer hospitality from their heart.

The only and best time I had down here was the cruise dinner on a boat. The sunset was really beautiful. It was a good 3 hours. I had great time talking to my co-workers and simply enjoyed the evening. I’d probably not come back here unless forced. At least, I enjoyed the way people work here and I was happy that I lead my life on their side, not the guests’.