Driving could be really fun. Last summer, we had a great time driving rough, curvy roads through trees in Vieques island, Puertorico. This summer, the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) got us one of the most memorable driving experience. SF to LA. 3 days on the road. We could have spent extra days easily.

I didn't think the West Coast ocean scenery could be that beautiful. Part of the scenes even reminded me of the sea in Japan. The waves are high and rough. Huge splash against the coast. Along with many scenic spots, there were some places you could drop by. Local breweries and farmers shop.

Drawn to the sign 'Fresh Strawberry,' we tried a basket of organic strawberries and a cup of strawberry cyder. That was one of the best strawberries I ever had.

In Monterey, we took a detour through the 37-mile drive. It's a reserved residential erea where non-residence pay and drive through. All the houses were like castles! It was so much fun to just see those houses by the sea shore. Another memorable spot is Big Sur, the most exciting and magnificent sceneries along the curvy narrow roads. It leads into the forrest in the mountain. The inns by the river put chairs right in the water. People can read or have beer with their foot dipping in the clear water.